"If a work is to be artistic, its symbolic references have to be let open as suggestions; the circuit of meaning must not be closed into a direct identification." author unknown
"inert clay, from the earth, is made into something which is directly and intimately related to active craft, to the proceses of human survival, and to social and spiritual factors in the life of man, all at once." Phillip Rawson
"As we live our lives, we accumulate a fund of memory-traces based on our sensory experiences. These remain in our minds charged, it seems, with vestiges of the emotions which accompanied the original experiences. The overwhelming majority of those experiences belong within the realm of sensuous life, and may never reach the sphere of word formation or what are usually regarded as concepts at all. And yet, they probably provide the essential continuum from which evolves everyone's sense of the world and consistent reality, everyone's understanding of what it means to exist, and are even the ulitimate 'compost' from which scientific abstractions spring. It is in the realm of thes submerged memory-traces that creative art moves, bringing them into the orbit of everyday life and making them available to the experience of others by formalizing and projecting them on to elements of the familiar world which can receive and transmit them. From the ariist's side the projection is done by his activity in shaping and forming. From the spectator's side it must be done by active 'reading of the artist's forms." Phillip Rawson